Doyle, Hogan and Ohlmeyer shortlisted for next TCD Provost

Earlier this month, Trinity College Dublin confirmed the shortlist of candidates for the next Provost. The three candidates, all senior academics, are:

Professor Linda Doyle, Professor of Engineering and the Arts

Professor Linda Hogan, Professor of Ecumenics

Professor Jane Ohlmeyer, Erasmus Smith’s Professor of Modern History

The current Provost, Dr Patrick Prendergast, will complete his term of office on the 31st of July and the new Provost will take office on the 1st of August 2021. The final stage of the appointment process, which has now kicked off, is a formal campaign period that will run until the 7th of April 2021. This campaign period will culminate in a final election, taking place electronically on Saturday the 10th of April 2021. The new Provost will take up office on the 1st of August, with a ten-year term of office to 2031.

This will mark the first woman appointed as Provost in TCD’s long history, since its establishment in 1592.

Trinity Women Graduates wish all candidates the best of luck, and we very much look forward to meeting the new Provost at one of our autumn events.


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