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‘Courage and Curiosity’ – Our 99th Birthday Event with Prof Linda Doyle and Prof Ivana Bacik

We are delighted to celebrate our 99th birthday with a special event where we will be joined by Professor Linda Doyle, TCD Provost-elect, and Professor Ivana Bacik, Senator for the University of Dublin, Trinity Graduates and Students, to discuss their time at Trinity. Join us on the 27th of May from 1-2pm to mark this milestone in our history. We continue to share the same objectives of our founding mothers – to provide graduates with a continued link to Trinity and to each other, and to use our voice in political and social debates, such as the need to close the gender pay gap for women.

As we prepare for our centenary next year we’ve been reminded that the experiences we take for granted were not easily won. To support the next generation of Trinity women, we fund students through the Trinity Access Programme and special projects such as recent sexual consent workshops. We also have a bursary scheme for women graduates who find themselves in financial need.

Book your free ticket, and read more about our guest speakers and TWG below.

A meeting link will be shared with all registered in advance of the event.

TWG 99th Anniversary Celebration

Lunchtime event - Thursday 27th May 1pm-2pm

Prof Linda Doyle, TCD Provost-elect


Linda Doyle is Professor of Engineering and The Arts at Trinity College Dublin, and Vice President for Research/Dean of Research since January 2018. In April 2021, she was elected Provost, and will be the first woman to lead TCD since its formation in 1592. She will be the 45th Provost of the University and will take office from August 1st this year.

Her expertise is in the fields of wireless communications, cognitive radio, reconfigurable networks, spectrum management and creative arts practices. She has raised over 70 million in research funding and has published widely in her field. She is a Fellow of Trinity College Dublin.

Prof Ivana Bacik, Senator for the University of Dublin
Ivana Bacik will discuss her time as a Trinity student, her hopes for young women studying at Trinity today and what positive changes a female Provost could make, particularly with more focus on diversity. Ivana is a barrister and Reid Professor of Criminal Law, Criminology and Penology at Trinity College Dublin. She is a Senator for Dublin University (first elected in 2007; re-elected in 2011, 2016 & 2020), and leads the Labour group in Seanad Éireann. She has been confirmed as Labour candidate in the upcoming bye-election in Dublin Bay South.

Her research interests include criminology, feminist legal theory and equality law; her publications include Legal Cases that Changed Ireland (co-edited with Mary Rogan, Clarus Press, 2016). She chaired the Oireachtas ‘Vótáil100’ Committee programme in 2018 to mark the centenary of women’s suffrage in Ireland.

About Trinity Women Graduates
On 25 April 1922 some of the first women Trinity graduates founded our alumni association, Dublin University Women Graduates Association – since renamed Trinity Women Graduates (TWG). Our first President was Lucy Gwynn (1866-1947), who was also the first Lady Registrar at Trinity College, and our first Vice President Olive Purser (1886-1973). Olive was the first woman to be made a scholar. The conditions for women at Trinity College were completely different in 1922 – women had to be off campus by 6pm and were banned from attending the Dining Hall and joining the established societies. They fought for many decades for equal status and our theme for 2021 – ‘Courage and Curiosity’ – is inspired by those first women entering Trinity as students. They would have been so proud of Trinity’s first female Provost, Professor Linda Doyle who will take up the role this summer!

TWG has three funds that members have generously supported over the years. Your gift allows this work to continue and we really appreciate your continued support.

You can select your preferred fund in the “Additional Information” section once you’ve clicked the blue button above.

You can also tick the last box to allow the committee to allocate funds where the needs are greatest.

TAP Trinity Access Programme Support Scholarship

TWG supports two students every year who obtain the highest marks in their year. This makes life easier for them and enables them to concentrate on their studies. Every year the students are so grateful for these contributions. In 2020, thanks to our generous members, TWG was able to support an additional postgraduate student with a grant of €1,000.


The TWG Bursary Fund was set up to provide financial assistance to members and former members who are in financial difficulty.  TWG currently supports two former Trinity graduates.

General Gift

Please allocate my gift to where the need is greatest.

Your support is much appreciated.

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