Maureen McAllister, RIP.
Maureen McAllister, right, with Madeleine Nesbitt in 2013.
TWG would like to offer our condolences to the family of Maureen McAllister who died in August. Maureen was a valued member of TWG for many years and was active in the poetry group, and involved in the annual Trinity Book Sale. She represented IrFUW at the GWI conference in Mexico. Veronica Campbell remembers her as "compassionate and caring and such lively company, widely travelled, with a wicked sense of humour. She was an excellent role model for active old age, staying involved with life until her final illness." The photo shows Maureen, resplendent in her red hat, with Madeleine Nesbitt at the 2013 TWG AGM. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam.