Meet the committee: Aoife Price

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Since we can't meet in person at the moment we thought we should introduce ourselves here! First in the spotlight is the youngest member of the committee, Aoife Price. Aoife joined TWG shortly after finishing her MSc in Applied Social Research in 2016. She is working as a research fellow with the European Disability Forum (EDF) and is currently on secondment with the European Women’s Lobby (EWL). She will be working with the EWL secretariat from September – December 2020 as well as working with EWL staff and members throughout the duration of her project (2019 – 2022). She is an Early Stage Researcher on the Disability Advocacy Research in Europe project, part of the Marie Sokolowski-Curie Actions, Innovative Training Network. Aoife is researching how the disability movement and women’s movement work together, and women’s participation in both these movements.  As part of this project, Aoife is completing a PhD at the National University of Ireland, Galway. Prior to working with EDF Aoife worked with the Union of Students in Ireland managing a Student Mental Health Project. Over the past decade, Aoife has been an active advocate in the area of youth mental health at national and international level. She also worked with the Centre for Effective Services (CES) in Ireland, an organisation that focuses on research, policy and practice. 


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